Consumption of Treated Water
Consumption of treated water
The recycled water is used for irrigation, flushing toilets, washing vehicles, solar panels, animal houses and utensils and watering the plants.
The wastewater from the animal farms is collected and treated for use in cleaning the pig pens
The recycled water is used for irrigation, flushing toilets, washing vehicles, solar panels houses and watering the plants
Rainwater harvest system (Treated water used for aquaculture and horticultural irrigation)
The production and consumption of recycled water
The main sources of water for wastewater recycling and reuse are general wastewater, livestock wastewater and rainwater. Among them, the daily reclaimed and reused reclaimed water from the livestock wastewater treatment plant accounts for the largest portion. The main uses of recycled water from the livestock farm are for washing cowsheds, pigsties and poultry houses. The recycled water from general wastewater are primarily used for flushing toilets, irrigating plants and flowers and washing objects such as solar panels and vehicles. The table above shows the production and consumption of treated water.
The ratio of treated water consumption over treated water output is 78.38 %
225,689/287,933 × 100% = 78.38 %