Total Campus Buildings Area
Library and Information Building
(Lantan Campus): 24,926.09 m2
International Networking Academy
(Lantan Campus): 4,528.34 m2
(Minsyong Campus): 8,948.78 m2
Administration Building
(Minsyong Campus): 6,131.47 m2
Building A of College of Management
(Sinmin Campus): 14,390.86 m2
Building B of Colledg of Management
(Sinmin Campus): 18,435.94 m2
(Linsen Campus: 2,860.20 m2)
Classroom of Building A
(Linsen Campus: 2,447.85 m2)
Lantan Campus
Minsyong Campus
Sinmin Campus
Linsen Campus
In this section, only photos of representative buildings from each campus are displayed in the illustration. The appearances of other campus-related buildings can be referred to in the introductory videos available at link 1 and link 2.
There are 61, 24, 8, 17 buildings in Lantan, Minsyong, Sinmin and Linsen campuses respectively.
Total campus buildings area: 409,537.39 m2.
Additional evidence link: