Vehicles in campus

The total number of vehicles (cars and motorcycles) divided by total campus' population

Total number of cars on campus and the LPR system

The number of fuel vehicles used and managed by the University is 31 cars and 8 motorcycles. In addition to other vehicles on campus, there are 49 electric scooters available for various units to use for official duties.  In 2023, National Chiayi University installed an automatic vehicle recognition system (LPR system) at each gate. This allows for the daily tallying of the number of vehicles entering and exiting and recording information about those vehicles.  There are an average of 1,876 fuel vehicles entering the campus daily. In NCYU, motorcycles will not be allowed to enter the campus. The total number of fuel vehicles (cars and motorcycles) divided by the total population of the campus: 1,399/12,166 (population) = 0.115