Sewage Disposal 

Facilities of Domestic Sewage Treatment 

Main drainage ditch and retention basin

Livestock sewage treatment plant

Sewerage Oxidation Pools and 

 Primary Sedimentation Tanks

Water towers for collected sewage treated for cleaning the livestock house

Reclaimed water for livestock house washing

The process of sewage treatment for the canteen kitchen

Screens and Grease Traps

"Common Good Water Resources" project/ mobile pure water system

National Chiayi University is committed to environmental sustainability and has implemented a comprehensive sewage treatment system to manage wastewater and promote resource recycling responsibly. The university's sewage treatment initiatives include the following:

1. Domestic Sewage Treatment:

Domestic sewage at National Chiayi University is treated through a series of facilities, including a mixing tank, coagulation tank, gelation tank, primary sedimentation tank, aeration tank, and final sedimentation tank.

After treatment, the water flows into a retention pond, and once it passes water quality tests, it is discharged into the Bazhang River.

2. Canteen Kitchen Sewage:

Sewage from the canteen kitchen is pre-treated using screens and grease traps before joining the domestic sewage treatment process.

3. Livestock Sewage Treatment:

Wastewater from the animal research farm (including cattle and pigs) is treated in a livestock sewage treatment plant, which includes processes such as solid-liquid separation, a wastewater adjustment tank, an anaerobic tank, a contact oxidation pool, and a sedimentation tank.

Approximately 93 tons of reclaimed water are produced daily and used for cleaning livestock housing.

The discharged water is inspected twice a year for parameters such as temperature, pH, suspended solids (SS), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) to ensure compliance with government standards.

4. Common Good Water Resources Project:

In 2023, the university launched the "Common Good Water Resources" project, which includes a mobile pure water system capable of purifying recycled water into drinking water, producing up to 24 cubic meters per day.