Total Area on Campus Covered in Planted Vegetation (meter2) 

Outside of Administration Building 

Horticultural Technology Center 

Botanical Garden 

Ecological Garden of Native Herbal Plants 

The Road Beside Parking Lot 6


Food Science Hall

Rui-Sui Roa

Outside of Student Activity Center

Roadside Trees on Lantan Campus

Science Building

University Hall

In the vicinity of the Administration Building

Walkway leading to the school gate

Walking trails on campus


The Bridge over Wenhua Road

Rosy Trumpet Trees' Flowers

Ducks in Swan Lake

The Bridge of Swan Lake

Building A of College of Management

Building A of College of Management

Building B of College of Management

Surroundings of the Sports Field

Beside of Library

Netween Building A and B

Beside of Building A

Lantan Campus 

Minsyong Campus 

Sinmin Campus 

Sinmin Campus 

  Every campus of National Chiayi University has plantings from the entrance gate and along both sides of the roads. Each building is also surrounded by lawns and plantings. With the change of seasons and holidays, the Department of Landscape Architecture will plant different flowering plants according to the time.  "In addition, we also have a Horticulture technology Center, which cultivates orchids every year, as well as a conservation area for native Taiwanese medicinal plants.  Every year, the Department of Forestry and Natural Resource will plant new trees in the areas of the ShekouExperimental Forest Station where plants have not yet been planted, according to the conditions of the terrain and climate.  For example, in 2022, the Department of Forestry and Natural Resource planted an additional 3,000 Tabebuia trees in the Shekou Experimental Forest Station.The total area on campus covered in planted vegetation is organized in the table below: