Organic waste treatment
The organic waste treated in 2023
The picture of the oil-water separation tank in cafeteria
Screens and Grease Traps
Fume treatment system
Set up kitchen waste buckets in the campus cafeteria and building
Register for Food Waste Removal
Collection and organization of fallen branches
Crushing waste wood for wood pellet production
Recycling and reuse of agricultural organic waste
Campus leaf cleaning
Fallen leaves transported to the composting site to make compost
In 2023, the treated organic waste is 99.125 tons, and the items are shown in the first table above. The treatment of organic waste is described as follows:
The organic waste of NCYU comes from food waste and fallen leaves and twigs from environmental cleaning. In terms of food waste, it is in line with the local environmental protection bureau’s promotion policy of “reducing food waste, draining it and recycling it.” The Meal Management Committee of NCYU requires canteen operators to reduce food waste and accurately calculate the serving size, including formulating a reasonable number of meal preparations and adjusting the menu. n order to minimize food waste generation, large and small buckets are set up in the campus cafeteria and the tea room in the building to collect food waste. After the food waste is collected and drained, it will be registered and delivered by the local government environmental protection bureau to the authorized waste treatment plant. The delivered food waste is used in incineration plants to generate electricity or process the material through anaerobic digestion. Pig farmers can also purchase food waste and cook for pigs' feeding. Restaurant sewage will be filtered through a screen to remove vegetable residues, grease, and other solid waste. After the separation, the sewage will be sat 、buffered and biodegraded until it meets the standard of discharge water before they are released. In addition, the oil fume is also treated by the oil fume processor. On the other hand, the fallen leaves and twigs are collected and transported to the litter stacking area on campus for composting. When necessary, they are crushed by a wood chipper for wood pellet production or slowly fermented and decomposed into humus used as fertilizer for cultivating campus planting greening to increase soil fertility. In addition to the standard procedures for waste collection, sorting, recycling, and reuse, Chiayi University has specifically developed and implemented plans for agricultural waste, aiming to achieve a comprehensive waste reduction, resuse and reccycling (3R) approach. Rooted in its farming heritage, we have formulated specific recycling and reuse strategies for different agricultural wastes. In 2023, by utilizing agricultural waste, such as surplus chicken feathers from slaughterhouses and spent mushroom substrate, the Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, led by its professors, is using specific strains, techniques, and testing to transform this waste into feed additives, organic fertilizer formulations, and other reusable materials. This approach promotes circular reuse, reduces the environmental burden of agricultural waste, and strengthens resource links between the livestock and crop industries, supporting resource recycling and achieving carbon reduction goals. This initiative contributes to a resilient, sustainable agricultural circular economy. All harvested vegetables from this project will be donated to the Anren Orphanage in Liujiao Township, Chiayi County, demonstrating NCYU's commitment to local social responsibility and care for the underprivileged. This program will gradually expand to support resource recycling in agriculture, reduce carbon emissions, and minimize the use of chemicals that degrade farmland and pose ecological risks to non-agricultural land and water sources.