Courses Related to Sustainability Offered

Education is the most powerful tool of sustainability

The sustainable development-related courses NCYU offers include the relevant professional courses of the Faculty of Agriculture, the College of Life Sciences, etc. The contents cover environmental and sustainable development-related affairs and general education courses. The curriculum design is expected to enable the students of NCYU to have both Core Competence of "Life Exploration and Environmental Care". Sustainability in Practice Certificate is also part of the core curriculum. Total number of courses with sustainability embedded for courses running in 2023/24: 3031. Table 6.1 shows some selected courses related to sustainability. Please see the complete list of courses related to sustainability offered here.

Environmental Education with Elementary School (Taiping Elementary School)

Robust training and competency of sustainability courses

The total number of courses of 2021/22 is 5,348 and of one-third courses (3,031) are related to sustainability. The main educational goal of NCYU is sustainable agriculture and health, furthermore, the southwestern counties are important granaris of Taiwan. In combination of cut-of-edge technique of agriculture research, such as smart agriculture, NCYU can provide a prospective view and concrete educational training of sustainable agriculture. In addtiion, we are aiming to build a health ecosystem in collaboration with life and biomedical sciences, which can also correspond to sustainable development goals (SDGs) of 3. good health and well-being, 15. life on land, 14.  life below water and 11. sustainable cities and communities.

Representative courses and programs

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We have also provide a full list of sustainability courses.