Energy Efficient Appliances Usage
Energy efficiency label: Level 1 energy efficiency label, eco-label and Energy Star standards
Library's Chiller and Related Facilities
The Establishment of Intelligent Street Lights
LED with motion senser dimmer in offices and classrooms, heat pump and EMS
Room/Center Air Conditioners in classrooms and library
Use of smart meters and digital power managemant systems in campuses
Regarding energy conservation, the university first stipulates that all purchased electrical appliances must conform to the Level 1 energy efficiency label and the Energy Star standards for power consumption. The library's chiller and related facilities were replaced to reduce the energy consumption of the aging chiller in the Library and Information Building. The new system is smartly connected with surrounding facilities and integrates an ICT monitoring system for efficient operation management. This monitoring system provides in-depth insights into the chiller's operational status, such as cooling water temperature, water flow rate monitoring, and high/low and medium pressure monitoring. The real-time performance of the chiller is displayed, serving as a crucial reference for subsequent maintenance. Furthermore, the newly installed chiller system is connected to the existing solar power generation system and energy storage cabinet on the Library and Information Building rooftop. It operates with the energy management system (EMS), achieving an effective energy management strategy of “peak shaving and valley filling.” After replacing this chiller, a third-party impartial entity inspected and confirmed that its energy-saving efficiency reached 42%.
In addition, National Chiayi University continued to replace the old T8/T5 lights with LED lights (No halogen bulb allowed on campus), securing funding to replace energy-consuming air conditioners. The campus has four smart streetlight control circuits, and all old-fashioned streetlights were replaced based on needs. Furthermore, to more efficiently manage water resources, the university maintained all intelligent water meters and a water resource management platform to reduce the frequency of electricity use for groundwater extraction and minimize energy consumption. The percentage of energy-efficient appliances Usage reached 90.1 %.