Removal of invasive birds
Removal actions of invasive common myna
SDGs: 15. Life on Land
15.8: By 2020, introduce measures to prevent the introduction and significantly reduce the impact of invasive alien species on land and water ecosystems and control or eradicate the priority species
Recently, one of the major threats of local ecosystems is invasive species, which may cause the population decline of native species. Therefore, to prevent and control the effects of invasive species, we have to take robust measures to eradicate or reduce populations of invasive species. Dr. Ross Tsai, assistant professor of the Department of Biological Resources, conducted the "Survey of Transboundary Birds and Removal Experiment of common myna (Acridotheres tristis) on the Four Southern Islands of Penghu" by the Marine National Park Headquarters, and conducted the removal trial of common myna on the Dong-Ji Island. In addition to removing eggs and chicks from the nesting sites of the house pachyderms during the breeding season to reduce the population size of the common myna this year, the team of Dr. Ross Tsai also set up mist nets to catch the common myna during the non-breeding season to directly reduce the population size of the common myna, thus suppressing the growth of the common myna.
Figure 1. Mist net to capture the common myna
Removal actions on Dong-Ji island
Further reading
Increasing population of common myna? Starting from the removal experiments in Penghu. Our Island, Taiwan Public Television.